Texans Driven by Service and Community
Our mission is to serve the communities of Texas by defending life, liberty, and property, supporting law enforcement, and volunteering in local initiatives. We believe that the people are our greatest resource. As an organization, we provide support and educational services to strengthen and assist our local communities and municipalities.

Be Ready
We believe it is best to be prepared in every situation. Turn peril into adventure with our structured training courses.

Community Work
We give our time freely to the communities in our area of operation by participating in many community service opportunities.

Team Building
We have a place for everyone! Our shop sections are modeled after military organizations to utilize and strengthen your individual and team skills.

Our region spans from Brazoria to Victoria.
Join us today!

We believe that communities are more quickly and efficiently able to determine their needs and create policies and support systems that fulfill them.
We believe that all of humanity is equally valued and created with a set of natural rights.
We believe that every individual must take responsibility for their actions.